Baldwin Beach Park
BEACHES, Northshore, Paia
BEACHES, Northshore, Paia
Baldwin Beach Park
Baldwin Beach Park is best known for its mile-long pristine sandy beach w/o any homes or development except for the parking lot and new bathrooms. Locals and visitors alike love to take relaxing and romantic beach walks and it’s also ideal for swimming and body-boarding in the shorebreak. Swimming with young children is best at either ends with the west end being the preferred choice w/ toddlers at what the locals call Baby Beach, where there’s a reef-protected tide pool. The east end, where the “park” is located, offers a small bay w/ shallow reef just offshore which great for exploring on calm days. Best time to visit is in the mornings, before the tradewinds pick up which are usually during mid-March to mid-November.
Also, it's worth mentioning that there are no homes or vacation rentals along this beach, though the closest homes and rentals are just past Baby Beach in the town of Sprecklesville. View our Sprecklesville Rentals and contact us for available rentals that are just a short walk to this amazing beach.
Contact us for a free consultation on great private cottage, bungalow, home, estate and villa rental options.